An instructor or facilitator can duplicate any assessment that they have created in Crowdmark, from any course. This makes it easy to re-use and re-purpose assessments from previous courses, and allows instructors to create multiple versions of the same assessment. To duplicate assessments:
- Use the Search function at the top of the dashboard to locate the assessment you wish to duplicate. In your My Courses page you can search for a course, and in the course dashboard you can search for an assessment.

- Select the assessment you wish to duplicate, and click the three dots in the top right of the assessment tile to Duplicate.

- Type the new assessment name. Use the checkbox to choose whether to include a customized roster and the Comment library and click Duplicate assessment

In this situation, the best practice will be to edit the assessment first. When your changes are complete, export the comment library from the original assessment, make necessary changes to the library, and import into the duplicated assessment. Click for more details on exporting, editing and importing the Comment library.
- This will drop you on the Assessment setup page. To customize the student or grading team roster, select Customize from the Roster panel. Click here for more details.
- If any versions of the assessment have different question content, you can navigate to the assessment page and click Questions on the left sidebar to make necessary changes before distributing the assessment. You will also be able to add randomized question groups, even if the original assessment did not have question versions.
Duplicate an assessment from a previous course
If you wish to reuse assessments from previous courses, or create multiple versions of an existing assessment:
1. Begin by clicking on ‘create an assessment’ in the top righthand side of your course dashboard.
2. Select the ‘duplicate an assessment’ option when selecting an assessment type.
3. Locate the assessment by indicating the course name it belongs to, as well as the name of the assessment, and choose whether or not you’d like to include the comment library.
4. Confirm your selections and choose ‘next’ to review the assessment you’d like to duplicate.
Managing versions with sections
If you wish to distribute an assigned assessment to multiple sections, we recommend creating a separate Crowdmark assessment for each section. Each assessment can have a different due date and different question content if you wish.
- Ensure that your course has sections enabled. You can check this by navigating to your Course settings and making sure This course has sections is checked.

- If you haven’t already, update your student roster to include sections. See Managing students in a course for instructions.
- From the Assessment setup page, click Customize under Students in the Roster panel. This will allow you to modify the included section(s). Finish creating the assessment.

- Duplicate the first assessment by using the three dots menu to Duplicate. Follow the instructions above to duplicate the assessment questions and choose the students and details (due date, etc.) for the next section. Finish creating the assessment.
- Repeat Step #4 for each section.
- If any versions of the assessment have different question content, you can navigate to the assessment page and click Questions on the left sidebar to make changes to the questions before distributing the assessment.
Managing versions without sections
If you do not want to use sections or if you need to administer different versions for accessibility purposes, we recommend creating a separate Crowdmark assessment for each version using the Student selector. This can be accessed from the Assessment setup page or from the Students tab. Each assessment can have a different due date and different question content if you wish.
- Create the first assessment. From the Assessment setup page, click Customize under Students in the Roster panel. This will allow you to select specific students to include or exclude from the assessment. Finish creating the assessment.

- Duplicate the first assessment by using the three dots menu to Duplicate. Follow the instructions above to duplicate the assessment questions and choose the students and details (due date, etc.) for the next section. Finish creating the assessment.
- Repeat Step #2 for each version.
- If any versions of the assessment have different question content, you can navigate to the assessment page and click Questions on the left sidebar to make changes to the questions before distributing the assessment.