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Claiming your account (signing in for the first time)

If your class is using Crowdmark, an account is created for you when your instructor distributes your first assessment (for a remote assessment) or returns your graded work (for an in-person assessment). There is no need for you to create an account before this happens.

If you have created an account ahead of time, you will not see any courses or assessments yet. You will also need to make sure that you are accessing Crowdmark with the same email address that your instructor has enrolled you with (this is usually your school email).

Once you have been invited to an assessment or your grades have been sent out, you’ll need to claim your Crowdmark account.

Claiming your account

  1. a) For a remote assessment
    In the email you receive inviting you to your assessment, click Sign in and go to assignment.

    b) For an in-person assessment
    When you receive an email distributing the grades for your assessment, click the link to Sign in and view grades.

  2. You’ll be asked to claim your account. Click the Claim my account button to send an email.

  3. In the email you have just received, click the Claim my account link. You’ll see the claim account page on Crowdmark.

  4. Enter your Full name, a Password (choose a strong password with at least 8 characters!), and the Password again to confirm. Check “I agree to the Terms of Service” and click Claim my account.

  5. You’re in! If you clicked on an assignment or a link to your grades you will go directly to that assessment. If not, you will see a page titled My Courses, which is your portfolio of assessments on Crowdmark. If you have created an account before you’re invited to an assessment or had grades sent out, this area will be blank.

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