Grading – Crowdmark Online Grading Software for Instructors Thu, 04 Jul 2024 15:12:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Grading – Crowdmark 32 32 Video how to – Grading Fri, 05 Apr 2024 17:02:30 +0000 /?post_type=help&p=11703

Check out the videos below for help with aspects of the grading process. If you still have questions don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at

1. Updating assigned team members

2. Importing and exporting a Comment library

3. Creating a rubric

4. Resolving an unknown multiple choice response

5. Returning grades

6. Viewing multiple choice analytics

7. Downloading grades and graded assessments

8. Downloading course grades

Allowing Graders to see each other’s evaluations Wed, 28 Jun 2023 20:30:11 +0000 /?post_type=help&p=9986

By default, Graders do not have access to each other’s evaluations. If feedback has been left on a question, other graders will simply see that it has been graded by someone else.

If you want to allow graders to see each other’s feedback and grades, you can toggle this setting “on” through Assessment settings. Graders will not be able to clone other Graders’ evaluations.

    1. Navigate to your assessment Settings in the lefthand sidebar.

    2. Click the toggle beside Allow graders to see each other’s evaluations.

    Importing and exporting the comment library Mon, 30 Jan 2023 15:09:37 +0000

    From the Assessment setup page or the Settings page, you may export the assessment’s entire comment library or comments from a specific question to a CSV file. This file can be used for analysis or imported to other assessments in Crowdmark.

    To import and export comments from a CSV navigate to the Assessment setup page, or the Settings page.

    Exporting comments

    1. From your Assessment setup page, click Manage comment library in the Comment Library panel found at the bottom right hand side.
    1. Select which question(s) you would like to export the comments from, or select Export library. If there are no comments existing, you may click Export library to export a blank CSV containing the necessary column headers.
    2. Click the Export question button to download a CSV file.

    The comment library export file will contain the following headings:

    • Label: The question label that the comment is associated with.
    • Version: Which version of the question this comment applies to. This column will only appear if there are randomized question versions in use. Duplicate comments across versions will appear as separate, but will be linked in the comment library to preserve the bulk-edit option. Comments from any version are available across all versions.
    • Comment: The comment text.
    • Points: Points associated with the comment or blank if no points are associated.
    • Shared: “true” if the comment has been shared with the team or “false” if not.
    • Times used: The number of times the comment has been used by all graders in the assessment.

    Comments CSV without randomized question versions 

    Comments CSV with randomized question versions 

    Importing a library of comments

    Note: All comments with the Shared column set to “true” will be shared with your grading team. The Times used column of the CSV file is not required and will be ignored when importing the file.

    1. Open your CSV file of comments and change the question labels in the Label column to match the question labels in your assessment, if needed. Crowdmark needs the correct labels to know which question each comment is associated with.
    2. From your Assessment setup page, click Manage comment library in the Comment Library panel found at the bottom right hand side.
    1. Ensure that All questions (entire library) is selected. Click the Import library from CSV file button.
    1. Select your CSV file. You will see a message with the number of comments that were detected in the file.
    2. If the filename and number of comments looks correct, click the Yes, import comments to library button
    3. You will see a message confirming the number of comments uploaded to each question.

    Importing comments to a specific question

    Note: All comments with the Shared column set to “true” will be shared with your grading team. The Label and Times used columns of the CSV file are not required and will be ignored when importing the file.

    1. From your Assessment setup page, click Manage comment library in the Comment Library panel found at the bottom right hand side. 
    1. Select which question you would like to import the comments to, and click the Import question from CSV file button.
    1. Select your CSV file. You will see a message with the number of comments that were detected in the file.
    2. If the filename and number of comments looks correct, click the Yes, import comments to question button.
    1. You will see a message confirming the number of comments uploaded.

    Deleting unused comments

    If you make a mistake or upload the wrong file, you can click the Delete all unused comments button. This will remove comments that have not been placed on student work, including any comments that you or your graders have created through the comment library but have not used.

    Troubleshooting import issues

    Your CSV file must include the Label (if importing an entire library) and Comments columns. If any data is missing or if there is an issue with the file the import will not work until the issues are resolved.

    You may encounter the following errors:

    • The file must be in .csv format: If you are uploading an Excel or similar file, please save it as a CSV.
    • Row 1 is missing data for Comment: This error appears if a row is missing some required information (Comment text, Label, etc.)
    • The file is missing a Comment column: The specified column is either missing or incorrectly named. If the column name looks correct, ensure that there are no extra spaces in or around the text.
    • Unknown error: This error appears if one of your question labels is incorrect or if there is a connection issue.
    Using a rubric Mon, 30 Jan 2023 15:00:00 +0000

    Instructors and Facilitators can create rubrics in advance of grading by creating shared comments with points in the Comment library. When a comment is shared, it will appear in the Comment libraries and comment suggestions of all Graders, Facilitators, and Instructors on the team. Team members can then drag and drop the comments onto student work to apply the feedback and points to the question.

    Setting up a rubric

    You have two options for setting up a rubric in the comment library: you may set it up directly within the library in the grading interface, or you may fill out and import a CSV of comments to the library.

    To set up a rubric within the comment library

    1. Open the Comment library.
    2. Click the New comment button in the upper right corner. A text box will appear.
    3. Click the Share with team toggle above the question content. The comment will be shared.
    4. Enter the comment text and points and click Save.
    5. Repeat with each rubric item.

    If you create a comment in a randomized question that’s identical to an existing comment in another version, it will appear in the current version, and will link back to the original comment. This preserves the ability to bulk-edit comments later on

    To set up a rubric using a CSV

    1. From your Assessment setup page, or from your Assessment settings tab, click Manage comment library. The Manage comment library modal window will appear
    1. Select which question(s) you would like to export the comments from, or select Export library. If there are no comments existing, you may click Export library to export a blank CSV containing the necessary column headers.
    2. Click the Export button to download a CSV file.

    The comment library export file will contain the following headings:

    • Label: The question label that the comment is associated with.
    • Version: Which version of the question this comment applies to. This column will only appear if there are randomized question versions in use. Duplicate comments across versions will be linked in the comment library, preserving the ability to bulk-edit. Comments from any version are available across all versions.
    • Comment: The comment text.
    • Points: Points associated with the comment or blank if no points are associated. This column should contain only positive or negative points, as combining the two may result in inaccurate point totals.
    • Shared: “true” if the comment has been shared with the team or “false” if not.
    • Times used: The number of times the comment has been used by all graders in the assessment.
    1. Open your CSV file of comments and change the question labels in the Label column to match the question labels in your assessment, if needed. Crowdmark needs the correct labels to know which question each comment is associated with.
    2. From your Assessment setup page, or from the Assessment settings tab, click Manage comment library. The Manage comment library modal window will appear.
    1. Ensure that All questions (entire library) is selected.
    2. Click the Import library from CSV file button.
    1. Select your CSV file. You will see a message with the number of comments that were detected in the file.
    2. If the file name and number of comments looks correct, click the Yes, import comments to library button
    1. You will see a message confirming the number of comments uploaded to each question.

    For CSV upload troubleshooting, see Importing and exporting the comment library.

    Grading with the rubric

    1. Toggle on the comment toolbar.
    2. The method for using comments (rubric items) will be slightly different depending on the type of response you are grading:
        • Image/PDF file: Drag and drop a comment onto the student’s work. The comment’s points will be applied to the question.

        • Text (with Markdown formatting): After selecting text to add a comment to the page, drag and drop a comment into the text field.

    Rotating a page of student work Mon, 05 Dec 2022 21:35:11 +0000

    If you notice that a page of student work has been uploaded in the wrong orientation it can be easily fixed during grading.

    1. Click the sidebar icon in the lower left corner. This will open a drawer with a thumbnail view of the pages.


    2. Click the Rotate icons on the page you wish to rotate.

    Tagging evaluations Mon, 05 Dec 2022 21:33:14 +0000

    Tags provide a flexible way to organize and bookmark student work and evaluations with your team members. While grading, you can use a tags to bookmark exemplary answers, share questions that require another look, or to indicate suspected cheating. Students cannot see tags.

    Adding a tag

    1. Navigate to a question in an assessment as you would if you were going to grade it.
    2. Click the Tag button in the sidebar (or enter the keyboard shortcut “t"). The tag input box will appear.
    3. Enter a name for the tag and click the + button. The new tag will appear below.

    Viewing evaluations with specific tags

    You can view all evaluations with a specific tag or group of tags using the filter tool. See Filtering evaluations to learn more. Tagged booklets require an evaluation on the page to be included in the filter.

    Using the comment library Mon, 05 Dec 2022 21:29:05 +0000

    Comments can be managed through the comment library tool, which can be accessed through the book icon in the grading toolbar.

    The comment library shows all comments you have left on a question. Graders can see their own comments and shared comments, and Instructors and Facilitators can see everyone’s comments. Using the comment library, you can view comments filtered by version, as well as view all shared comments for a question.

    Benefits of using the comment library include:

    • Once a comment is in the library, it can be used to grade that question through the entire assessment.
    • If you select a comment then edit the content, it will save as a new comment.
    • Comments from randomized questions are labelled by version, and they are available to be used across any version of that question.
    • Comments can be edited once to change every instance used across the assessment
    • Instructors and Facilitators can also set up comments in the comment library or set a rubric using comments before grading starts.
    • A comment can be shared with the grading team by turning on its Share with team toggle. Shared comments will appear in every grader’s comment suggestions.

    Searching for comments

    To find a comment in the comment library, use the Search bar in the top left. All comments containing that keyword will appear, along with labels for which question and version they belong to.

    You can also search for a comment while grading: when you begin to type comment content, auto-suggestions from your comment library will appear below. If you’re grading a question with versions, comments that apply to the version you are grading will appear first, followed by comments from other versions.

    Comments from all versions will be available to be used. Duplicate comments across versions will display in each version, and will be linked automatically in the library to preserve bulk-editing.

    Filtering evaluations by comment

    Above each comment you will see the number of times it has been used. Grading teams can click on this number to show all evaluations using the comment using the filter tool. If the toggle to Allow graders to see each other’s evaluations is turned off, only Instructors and Facilitators will have access to this comment filter.

    Bulk editing comments

    If a comment has been used multiple times, you can make changes to all instances of the comment by using the comment library. Graders can only see and make changes to their own comments, Instructors and Facilitators can see and make changes to everyone’s comments. Duplicate comments automatically revert to the existing comment in the library, so you won’t need to worry about having to edit more than one. It will be important, however, to keep track of minor edits that have saved as a new comment. In an assessment with question randomization where there are linked duplicate comments across versions, you will have the option of editing the comment for the current version, or for all versions.

    1. Select the comment you wish to edit.
    2. Click the Edit buttton below the question content.
    3. Make your changes and click Save. All instances of the comment will be updated.

    Reordering comments

    You can reorder comments to customize how they are displayed in the comment library as well as in the grading toolbar. To do this, drag a comment up or down the list of comments in the left sidebar of the comment library.

    Adding a comment before grading

    If you have a rubric or example feedback prepared in advance, you can create comments and associate them with point values without grading student work.

      1. Select the question or version you’re working on, and click the New comment button in the upper right corner of the comment library. A blank comment will appear.
      2. Enter your comment text, point value (optional) and click Save. Your comment will be stored in the comment library and will appear in your list of frequently used comments, visible in your comment toolbar. Comments for multiple versions of a question will be labelled as This version and Other versions. Comments from all versions will be available to use on any version, and duplicate comments across versions will be linked to preserve bulk-editing.

    1. Optional: If you are an Instructor or Facilitator and wish to share your comments with the grading team, see the next section, Sharing a comment with your team.

    Sharing a comment with your team (Instructors and Facilitators)

    Instructors and Facilitators can choose to share comments with the grading team. When a comment is shared, it will appear in the comment libraries and comment suggestions of all Graders, Facilitators, and Instructors on the team. The comment is read-only to Graders.

    Also see: Using a rubric

    1. Select the comment you wish to share.
    2. Click the Share with team toggle above the comment content. The comment will be shared.

    Understanding evaluations Mon, 05 Dec 2022 21:26:21 +0000

    An evaluation is the collection of annotations, comments, and score left on a question by a grader. When viewing student work, you’ll see a list of evaluations in the right sidebar.

    Multiple evaluations left on a page

    • If nobody has graded the question, you’ll see Your name (new) indicating that you’re looking at your own blank evaluation that has not yet been saved. Once you add an annotation, comment, or score, your evaluation will be saved.
    • If another grader has graded the question, you will see their evaluation first. You will also see an Add evaluation button, and if you’re an Instructor or Facilitator, a Clone/Edit evaluation button.
    Note: each evaluator may only place one evaluation per question. If you have an existing evaluation, you will not be able to add another one. Your current evaluation may be edited, or you may clear all annotations you placed on the page to restore the question to an ‘ungraded’ state and start over

    Primary evaluations

    Students will only see one grader’s evaluation when their grades are returned. This evaluation is called the “primary” evaluation. While grading, the primary evaluation is indicated by the checkmark icon to the right of the grader’s name. By default, the first evaluation left on the question is marked as primary. Instructors and Facilitators can override this by adding their own evaluation or by selecting another evaluation to be primary.

    Multiple evaluations left on a page

    Cloning evaluations left by others

    Instructors and Facilitators have the option to clone another grader’s evaluation. This is useful in situations where an Instructor or Facilitator is reviewing a grader’s work and needs to make changes before the evaluation is shown to the student. Cloning leaves the grader’s work untouched while the Instructor or Facilitator makes changes to their own copy, ensuring that ownership of each piece of feedback is maintained.

    Grading a remote exam Mon, 05 Dec 2022 21:00:30 +0000

    Video transcript

    Crowdmark makes grading remote exams easy and seamless! This video will show you the remote exam grading workflow.

    On your Assessment screen, you’ll see submissisions organized by question. This allows graders to grade individual questions for consistency. You can also have individual graders grading different questions simultaneously. You’re able to see which questions have been submitted, and how many have been graded. Multiple Choice questions are automatically graded. For Image/PDF responses and Text entry responses, click into a question to begin grading.

    Once you’re on the grading screen, you’ll see toolbars on the left and right hand side of your screen. On an Image/PDF response, you can use the pencil to hand-draw, place checks, “x”s or question marks, select an area to highlight, or change the colour of your entry by clicking on the droplet icon. Use the garbage can icon to delete anything you’ve added to the page.

    Leave comments in your students’ work by clicking on the speech bubble icon. Every time you create a comment, it is automatically saved — creating your Comment library. Comments support markdown and LaTeX, images, or links to additional resources. If you choose to assign point values to a comment, points are automatically applied or removed as you grade. You can pre-populate a question’s Comment library using a CSV file, making it visible to all graders. This allows you to use the Comment library as a rubric. When students receive their grades, they will see all the feedback on their work.

    On the right, you can input points using the built in keypad, or the numbers on your keyboard. You can Tag evaluations, and Filter assessments by question, team member, tag or point value. These tools help you get an overview of your grading, and can be a great way to keep track of trends. You can use the Keyboard shortcuts to move through more quickly. You can also view grades and comments from other graders, move to the next ungraded question, and click to move between student booklets. You can also use the Overview Grid to click through to a specific student or question.

    Scroll up or down to move through the assessment you’re currently working on, and click on the question labels to grade specific questions.

    When grading a Text entry question, your grading tools are designed for text. Use the cursor to select a block to be highlighted or struck-out. Each of these options allows you to attach a comment. Click the icon with the comment symbol to minimize the boxes as you work. Text responses also include the option for students to place links, or downloadable files within their responses.

    You’re also able to view and override grading on your multiple choice questions.

    Click the name of your assessment to exit the grading screen, then click on the Results tab to see students grades. Here you can distribute the grades to the students, or export the grades to a CSV file. If you’re using one of our LMS integrations, you may also have the option to export grades directly to the LMS.

    For more information, check out the Crowdmark Help Centre, or get in touch with Crowdmark Support. We’re always happy to hear from you! Thanks for watching!

    Grading navigation Mon, 05 Dec 2022 20:57:49 +0000

    To start grading, click a question on your assessment’s Dashboard (Q1, for example). You will see the first student’s Q1. If grading has already started, you’ll be taken to a student’s Q1 that has not been graded.

    Multiple evaluations left on a page

    The grading screen shows the current student’s pages arranged vertically. You can scroll to see all of the student’s responses. On the right is the grading sidebar, where you can see the booklet number and question you are currently grading.

    • To go to the next Q1 that has not been graded: Click the Next ungraded button at the bottom of the grading sidebar or type Enter on your keyboard as a shortcut. Please note that “Next ungraded” won’t always navigate to the next student in sequence, especially if others are grading. It is designed to skip booklets that other graders are looking at to avoid collisions.

    • To navigate between student papers: Use the arrows beside the Booklet # title or the keyboard shortcuts: l or shift +  to go to the next student, and h or shift +  to go the previous student. You can also click the Booklet # title to go to a specific booklet.

    • To navigate between questions: Click on the blue or green question label (Q2 [Not graded], for example) on the student’s page or use a keyboard shortcut: j or shift +  to go to the next question, and k or shift +  to go to the previous question. You can also go back to the assessment’s Dashboard and select a different question.

    You can see an overview of grading by clicking the Overview grid button on your assessment’s Dashboard. Clicking on a grid tile will take you directly to that student’s response.

    The Overview grid is not sortable, and student booklets appear in no particular order. This means student identities will remain anonymous for those with Grader permissions.
    Filtering evaluations by tag, grader, or score Mon, 05 Dec 2022 20:54:25 +0000 /?post_type=help&p=5364

    Instructors and Facilitators can view evaluations with specific tags or a combination of tags, a score or range of scores, or graded by a specific Grader by using the filter tool. You can also use the filter tool on a specific comment using the comment library (see Using the comment library).

    Applying filters

      1. While grading, click Filter evaluations in the top right corner.
      2. You can filter by question version, team member, tag or score. Numbers beside the filter checkboxes indicate how many evaluations match that filter.

    1. Click Apply.

    If multiple filters are selected, only evaluations matching ALL filters will be shown.

    Navigating filtered evaluations

    A bar will appear on the bottom of the page showing which filters you have selected. The grading sidebar navigation will change to allow you to cycle through only evaluations with the selected filter(s). The Next filtered button loops through all pages that match the active filters. Clicking the Back button in your browser will take you to the last page you viewed.

    Double-blind grading using Crowdmark Mon, 05 Dec 2022 20:33:08 +0000

    Double-blind grading is an increasingly common workflow in higher education assessments. This workflow allows multiple evaluations on a single student’s work, which are then reviewed by a primary grader who decides which evaluation will show to the student. This person should be assigned the role of Instructor in the course. Double-blind grading is an excellent tool to ensure consistency and accuracy in grading, and can be used in both Assigned and Crowdmark booklet assessments.

    It is worth noting that in Ready to grade assessments all pages including covers appear in the grading interface, so anonymity is not guaranteed. We do not recommend using Ready to grade assessments for a double-blind grading workflow.

    To use double-blind grading in a Crowdmark booklet assessment

    1. Create your Crowdmark booklet assessment, and assign the appropriate grading team. In the assessment settings, make sure the toggle to Allow graders to see each other’s evaluations is off. This will ensure team members are not able to view evaluations made by other graders. The Instructor/primary grader will be able to see everyone’s work.

    2. In your Course settings, assign each team member a Grader role. Graders do not have access to student or course information. This is how you can guarantee the grading will be anonymized. If you will also be participating in grading, you may wish to create a second Crowdmark account that you can use as a Grader. It’s important not to assign your main account a Grader role unless there is another Instructor who can reassign your role once grading is complete. Doing this will lock you out of the course settings.
    3. Complete the first round of blind grading. Check out the Grading section of our Help Center to learn more about our grading tools, tags and filters.
    4. When it’s time for secondary grading, the graders will be able to place a new evaluation on the selected scripts by clicking Add evaluation. The grader will be able to see who the first evaluator was, but will not see any of the annotations or scoring. Since they will not be allowed to see the previous evaluator’s work, Clone/edit evaluation will not appear.

    5. Once both rounds of grading are complete, the Instructor/primary grader will be able to review all evaluations. They can use the Primary evaluation indicator to select which of the multiple evaluations will show to the student, or they can use the Clone/edit evaluation or Add evaluation to override both graders’ work. Any further review can be completed by assigning the appropriate evaluator an Instructor role.

      Pro tip: using the filters will make it easy to view work by team member.
    Adding comments Fri, 02 Dec 2022 00:01:13 +0000 /?post_type=help&p=5171

    While grading, click the comment icon in the grading toolbar to activate the comment mode. The method you use to add comments will be slightly different depending on the type of response you are grading:

    • Image/PDF file: Click anywhere on the assessment page to open up a comment field. A comment can be dragged and dropped to another location on the page.
    • Text (with Markdown formatting): Click and drag to highlight a piece of text to comment on. To add a comment to existing highlighted or struck-out text, click the + icon.

    Comments can also be added in advance (without attaching them to a page) using the comment library. See Using the comment library to learn more.


    A point value can be attached to a comment, which will be automatically reflected in the question score when it is placed on the page. You will see an “(auto)” indicator under the score in the grading sidebar. Positive or negative points can be attached to comments.

    • Adding a comment with a positive point value will add that number from a starting score of 0.

    • Adding a comment with a negative point value will subtract that number from the max. points set on the question.

    • Keep in mind that if you use comments with both positive and negative scoring in the same evaluation, the order in which you place the comments matters. For example, if you use a comment with a positive point value first, then use a comment with a negative point value, the negative points we be subtracted from the positive (current) point value.

    • Using the grading keypad or your keyboard to manually add a score to the question will override all comment points in the question score. If you remove your manual score by clicking the “x”, the question score will revert back to the automatic “(auto)” score set by the comment points.

    Randomized question groups

    When you add a comment to a randomized question, it will be attached to a specific version, and it will also available to be used across all versions of that question. If you type an identical comment in a different version it will display in both versions, and the duplicate will be linked to the original. This preserves the ability to bulk-edit. See Using the comment library to learn more.


    The comment field supports Markdown, which allows you to change text formatting and to add links and images.

    Some examples:

    ## HeadingHeading
    [Purdue Owl]( Owl
    ![Crowdmark logo]( logo
    (with alt text “Crowdmark logo”)

    The Markdown guide contains a full list of formatting options.

    Adding diagrams, images, or files

    Files can be dragged and dropped into the comment field to attach them to the comment. Markdown code will automatically be generated to either embed (images) or link to the files (PDF and other files).


    Comments have emoji support! If you are using a Mac, you can activate the emoji menu with command + control + space.

    Mathematical expressions

    Comments in Crowdmark support LaTeX expressions using MathJax. This allows graders to write mathematical expressions. Inline mathematical expressions can be created by wrapping LaTeX with single dollar signs and displayed mathematical expressions can be created by wrapping with double dollar signs. We thank the developers of MathJax for making this possible.


    $$\zeta (s) = \sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{1}{n^s}$$

    In a commentAfter comment is saved
    Mathematical Typesetting in a Crowdmark Comment FieldA Parsed Mathematical Expression in a Crowdmark Comment Field

    Chemical expressions

    We are grateful to the developers of the mhchem package in MathJax for making this possible.


    $$\ce{SO4^2- + Ba^2+ -> BaSO4 v}$$

    In a commentAfter comment is saved
    Chemical Expression in the Crowdmark Comment FieldA parsed chemical expression in a Crowdmark comment field
    Grading Tools Tue, 15 Nov 2022 19:31:00 +0000 /?post_type=help&p=3116

    There are a number of tools you can use to leave feedback on assessments, which differ based on the type of question response.

    Grading an image/PDF file response

    Text comments, annotations and symbols can be added through the grading toolbar in the top left of the screen.


    Click anywhere on the assessment page to open up a comment field. A comment can be dragged and dropped to another location on the page.

    Comments support Markdown for formatting and LaTeX for math and chemical equations. Positive or negative points can be attached to questions, similar to a rubric.

    To learn more about these options, see Adding comments.

     Freeform annotation (drawing)

    Click and drag anywhere on a page to write or draw on top of student work.


    Click anywhere on a page to add a stamp. Stamps may also be used to add or deduct points. Each + or – will change the score by one point. If you use + stamps, points will count up from 0. If you use – stamps, points will count down from the question total. It’s not recommended to mix the two, as the order they are placed will affect the score. You’ll see an (auto) label on the score display when points are calculated based on stamps. While standard stamp colors can be customized, point stamps have fixed colors for consistency.


     Highlight box

    Click and drag to create a semi-transparent box over student work.


    Click on an annotation, stamp, or box to delete it.

     Color palette

    Selecting a color applies that color to future annotations, stamps, and highlight boxes.

     Comment library

    Opens a list of frequently used comments that can be dragged and dropped directly onto the page. Click on the Comment Library link to manage, add and share comments on a particular question. To learn more, see Using the comment library.

    Grading a text response

    Text can be highlighted or struck-out (with optional comments attached) through the grading toolbar in the top left of the screen.

     Cursor (read only)

    Allows you to select text without applying any annotations or feedback.

    Highlight with comment

    Click and drag to select a piece of text to comment on.

    Comments support Markdown for formatting and LaTeX for math and chemical equations. Positive or negative points can be attached to questions, similar to a rubric.

    To learn more about these options, see Adding comments.


    Click and drag to highlight a section of text. Click the + icon to attach a comment to the highlighted text.


    Click and drag to select text that will be struck-out. Click the + icon to attach a comment to the struck-out text.


    Click on highlighted text or struck-out text to delete the annotation.

     Color palette

    Selecting a color applies that color to future highlighted and struck-out text.

     Comment library

    Opens a list of frequently used comments. After selecting text to add a comment to the page, you can use a comment from the library list by dragging and dropping it into the text field. Click on the Comment Library link to manage, add and share comments on a particular question. To learn more, see Using the comment library.

    Keyboard shortcuts

    Using keyboard shortcuts can make grading more efficient. Click the Shortcuts link in the top right of the screen to see the list of shortcuts. Shortcuts on Image/PDF questions and Text entry questions are distinct.

    Here is a list of keyboard shortcuts:

