There are a few ways to download student work to your computer. Instructors and Facilitators can download graded booklets in PDF format for a specific student, or in bulk for a class. They can also download CSVs of grades by question, and students’ text responses. Ungraded pages of student work can be downloaded by Instructors, Facilitators, and Graders while grading.
In the Results tab of the assessment, Instructors and Facilitators can download student results to keep for their records. When you land on the Results page, scroll down to the Export data section.

These results come in multiple formats:
- Grades: Download grades to import into your LMS’s gradebook. This can be used to import into a gradebook, or for any other type of record keeping or data manipulation. Select Export CSV to generate a spreadsheet of student grades by question. See more details here.
- Graded Student Work: Download graded assessments for all students. Select Export PDF to open a modal window, and click Export as PDF. When your export is ready, you will receive a notification email with a zip file containing each student’s submission in PDF format.

Bulk downloads of student work
In the Grade tab of the assessment, Instructors and Facilitators can download various formats of any available Text responses for additional grading or to keep for their records. From the side bar select Grade and scroll down to the Export data section. For bulk downloads of Administered assessment booklets, or Assigned PDF or Multiple choice responses, use the Graded work download in the Results tab.
- Student answers: Download answers to text response questions. Select Export CSV to generate a spreadsheet of students’ typed responses in the assessment by question. This spreadsheet also contains links to individually-downloadable attachments.
- Student file uploads: Download files attached to text response questions. Select Export ZIP. This opens a modal window with two options to choose from:

- Files organized by student email, then question label. This generates multiple folders of students’ attachments in text response questions, labelled by student email. Each folder contains sub-folders of students’ attachments from the assessment, labelled by question.
- All files in a single folder generates a folder of students’ attachments in text response questions. This file contains all attachments from the assessment, labelled by student email and question.
Instructors and Facilitators can download a student’s graded booklet by saving the student’s view of their graded work as a PDF file or printing it. Students can also do this.
Navigate to your assessment and click Students in the sidebar.
Search for the student whose booklet you wish to download.
Click the Score link for the student under the three dots menu on the far right. The student’s view of their graded work will appear.
Click the Print link below the assessment name. Your browser’s print dialog will appear.
This next step differs depending on your browser and operating system. There should be an option such as “Print to PDF” or “Save as PDF” you can select to download a PDF file or you can print the pages.
Anyone who has access to grading can download pages of student work without the grading and question labels.
While grading, click the sidebar icon in the lower left corner. This will open a drawer with a thumbnail view of the pages.
Drag the page(s) to your desktop or a folder to save them to your computer.